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Greek yoghurt with acacia honey, walnuts and almonds

Greek yoghurt with acacia honey, walnuts and almonds

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A honeycomb with honey on a white wooden surface (seen from above)
A honeycomb on a white surface (seen from above)
Honey on a honey spoon on a white wooden surface (seen from above)
Fish in a honey and chilli marinade with spring onions
A honey face mask and honey soap (seen from above)
Greek yoghurt with acacia honey, walnuts and almonds
Puff pastry tart with pears, cheese and honey (seen from above)
Orange salad with honey, almonds and walnuts (seen from above)
Oven-grilled chicken with an orange and honey glaze and roasted vegetables

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Price: starting at $22
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This image is part of a feature

The Bees Do It!
© Feature by Hole, Aina C. | 10 Images & Text

The golden goodness of fresh honey has universal appeal. It is natural and healthy and a delicious substitute for other sweeteners. This recipe collection includes exciting new ways to use honey,

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Image ID:11349815
Caption:Greek yoghurt with acacia honey, walnuts and almonds
License type:Rights-managed
Contributor:StockFood / Hole, Aina C.
Image size:3586 px x 4873 px