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A advent calendar made of chocolate pralines

A advent calendar made of chocolate pralines

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starting at €20

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Series Icon This image is part of a series

Chocolate kisses with icing and a miniature skier
Marshmallow hearts decorated with gold beads, served with hot chocolate
A advent calendar made of chocolate pralines
Marshmallow hearts decorated with gold beads, in powdered sugar
Cinnamon stars with white icing
Russian bread, decorated with icing

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Price: starting at $22
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This image is part of a feature

Decorative Holiday Sweets
© Feature by Hoersch, Julia | 6 Images & Text

Sweet confections for the holidays are more versatile than ever. They are not only pleasing to the taste but also serve as holiday décor! A chocolate snow covered mountain with a skier swooshing down the slope and an edible advent calendar made of petit fours are the only decorations your kitchen will need.

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To Image Professionals ArtShop
Image ID:12427868
Caption:A advent calendar made of chocolate pralines
License type:Rights-managed
Contributor:StockFood / Hoersch, Julia
Image size:3624 px x 4822 px